Our June and July Shows!

You knew Marty McConnell was going to floor you, right? And you were floored. WE were floored. We were so floored that we darn near forgot to let you know […]

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Partial List of Active Bay-Area Poetry Shows

Updated August 30, 2013 We’ve made a partial list here for Bay Area poetry. Many local open mics and poetry slams now use Facebook as their primary Web presence. Facebook […]

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Book Signing and Poetry Reading at Alley Cat Books!

Missed the Lit Slam debut of Tandem? Come see it stepping out and about in public! In daylight, no less! We’re thrilled to announce the bookstore debut of Tandem at […]

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Celebrate the Release of Tandem!

 For the past year, the indefatigable Tatyana Brown has been on a Mission: To create a poetry anthology combining the voices of the best touring poets in the country with […]

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Danez Smith Features at the Lit Slam!

To heck with your weekend plans, what are you doing this Monday night? It’s the third Monday, which means it’s time for San Francisco’s newest poetry startup, the Lit Slam. […]

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Carrie’s last NorthBEAST show until summer! No Foolin’!

It’s National Poetry Month! Carrie Rudzinski will kick things off by performing at The Dirty Gerund poetry show in Worcester, MA on Monday, April 2nd. This show will be her […]

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This American Life and The Stories We Tell

Me, I’m a born storyteller. Honesty was never really my sport. -Artie Moffa, “The Ex and her Arrows” It’s tacky to quote myself, but that’s the line I keep coming […]

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Carrie Rudzinski Performs at the Lizard Lounge

Admit it, Boston: you were a little jealous of India, Australia, and New Zealand getting so much of Carrie’s attention in 2011. Fear not! Touring poet and Cantab luminary Carrie […]

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November Dates for Carrie in Australia

Carrie Rudzinski is on tour in Australia, with two shows confirmed and more to come. Feature at Dan Poet’s Saturday, November 5 at 2PM Dan O’Connell Hotel 225 Canning St. […]

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