No Buts About It

Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons are problematic. So is the word many of its critics keep using. Over the past two years, I’ve become obsessed with buts. One T. The conjunction. Buts have […]

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Carrie Rudzinski tours the Bay Area, then PNW.

Bicycle Comics author and 2014 WoWPS Finalist Carrie Rudzinski is touring the West Coast this month. She’ll be at the Berkeley Poetry Slam on Wednesday, June 4, 2014, and at […]

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Announcing the 2016 Pushcart Prize Winners

Made you look! (Hey, at least we didn’t Rickroll you.) But seriously, WHY are the Pushcart dates so confusing? Here are some date inconsistencies that are less confusing than Pushcart […]

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The Venn Diagram of Internet Stupid.

There’s stupid, and then there’s Internet Stupid. Internet Stupid is way worse, but fortunately, it’s curable if caught early.

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This American Life and The Stories We Tell

Me, I’m a born storyteller. Honesty was never really my sport. -Artie Moffa, “The Ex and her Arrows” It’s tacky to quote myself, but that’s the line I keep coming […]

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Bicycle Editor Turns Out to be Literate, After All

Bicycle Editor Artie Moffa recently had his letter published in the October 8th issue of The Economist newspaper. Artie wrote to poke fun at the–ahem–interesting layout choices the magazine/newspaper* made […]

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Artie’s Dirge in the Dark for Steve Jobs

I’ve been using and loving Apple products since I bought my Macintosh IIsi 3MB/40MB in 1994 with my babysitting/yardwork money. Steve Jobs brought a lot of magic to the world. […]

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