New Resources for Teaching Iambic Pentameter
We’ve made a few improvements. Come and see! So good, we even had to tell our blog. Yes, for 2021, faced with a second National Poetry Month conducted via Zoom […]
No Buts About It
Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons are problematic. So is the word many of its critics keep using. Over the past two years, I’ve become obsessed with buts. One T. The conjunction. Buts have […]
Toxic? A Response to Robert Boucheron’s Article in The Review Review
Lighten up. Seriously. Pretty sure we’ve read that somewhere. Oh wow. My designer and I are going to make blackout poetry of this article during lunch, and I can already […]
What is an “Indie” Press?
When anyone can upload a Word .doc and call it an E-book, what are we “independent” from? Yesterday on Twitter, eBookNoir asked a question: @eBookNoir “Indie” is more of an […]
The Completely Effable Business of Poetry
I’m not wild about linking to William Logan’s article, but even MY MOM is cutting it out of the New York Times and MAILING it to me: I’ll save you […]
Teaching Iambic Pentameter in Schools (update)
National Poetry Month is a month away, but we’re seeing a pronounced uptick from teachers requesting our iambic pentameter worksheets and our sonnet puzzles. Two things: We will only E-mail […]
How to Make a Poetry Anthology for Amazon Kindle: An HTML and EPUB Primer
It’s time for anthologies without apologies. The Yellow Buick Review is a groundbreaking new poetry anthology. It is also totally fake. The poems of the first issue (spoiler alert!) are […]
The Venn Diagram of Internet Stupid.
There’s stupid, and then there’s Internet Stupid. Internet Stupid is way worse, but fortunately, it’s curable if caught early.
A Startup Idea Whose Time Has Come
Artie went to TWO different startup pitch events today. This is what happens inside his cartoon/poet brain when he spends this much time around technically-minded people. For the record, the […]
A Style Guide for a Poetry Anthology
Anthologies are some of the hardest books to edit, all the more so when we’re not technically the editors. From the freewheeling, unscripted barbaric yawp of the modern poetry slam, […]