Carrie Rudzinski hits the Bay!

Carrie Rudzinski Performs

Bicycle’s Carrie Rudzinski comes to the Bay this week! See her at the Berkeley Poetry Slam on Wednesday, October 10, and at the New Sh!t Show in San Francisco on Thursday, October 11th.

Berkeley event on Facebook: 
3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA, 94703

San Francisco event on Facebook:
998 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94110

Carrie Rudzinski was voted “Best Female Poet” at CUPSI 2008 and was a founding member of Emerson College’s Gringo Choir traveling poetry quartet. She has twice represented the Boston Poetry Slam (Cantab) at the National Poetry Slam, and ranked 14th overall at the 2011 Women of the World Slam.

She is the real deal, and she is in San Francisco this week! Do the right thing, Bay Area!

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