Artie Moffa Reading on the East Coast this April

Artie Moffa, editor of Bicycle Comics, is heading east this April for a few shows. Not a tour, not really, just a few shows. Artie has deep roots in the […]

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Carrie’s last NorthBEAST show until summer! No Foolin’!

It’s National Poetry Month! Carrie Rudzinski will kick things off by performing at The Dirty Gerund poetry show in Worcester, MA on Monday, April 2nd. This show will be her […]

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Carrie Rudzinski Performs at the Lizard Lounge

Admit it, Boston: you were a little jealous of India, Australia, and New Zealand getting so much of Carrie’s attention in 2011. Fear not! Touring poet and Cantab luminary Carrie […]

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Carrie Rudzinski Interviewed in Boston Globe

Bicycle’s own Carrie Rudzinksi is one of the poets featured in today’s Boston Globe article on the 2011 National Poetry Slam, which starts on August 9th in Cambridge, MA.

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Video from the 2011 Slumberfest

Okay, so the San Jose Slumberfest didn’t exactly go off as planned. No worries, though; despite a last minute change-of-venue, Sam and Megan still put on a great show in […]

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Carrie Rudzinski and Cantab Team at Lizard Lounge

The 2011 Cantab Lounge slam team will play the Lizard Lounge in Cambridge tonight. The 2011 team is McKendy Fils-Aime, Rachel McKibbens, Maya Phillips, April Ranger, and our own Carrie […]

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