What a Tech Startup can Learn from a Slam Poet

You have three minutes at the podium to impress a panel of so-called “experts.” If they like you, you’re a rock star. If they don’t like you, you’re heading back to your day job.

Silicon Valley calls this a “pitch night.” Slam poets call it “our job.”

Pitch workshop with Marty McConnell

Bicycle Comics is a startup. The Lit Slam is a startup. Half the people we know work in startups. But most startups are so bad at talking about themselves. Whereas poets tend to be great at talking about themselves (for better or worse). Normally, when we bring a nationally-known poet to San Francisco for one of our monthly shows, we try to arrange a writing or performance workshop for our community. This month, with Marty McConnell jetting in from Chicago, we wanted to try something different. On Sunday, June 16, we’re offering our first-ever performance workshop for startup founders: The Slam Poet Startup Pitch.

Marty McConnell, Tatyana S Brown, and The Lit Slam proudly present a performance workshop for people who never expected to need such a thing: tomorrow’s technology CEOs.


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